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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

🍅 89 %
Drama Romance Sci-Fi R

Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Tom Wilkinson

🤖 Reason: The exploration of memory and identity resonates with the introspective and often bleak examination of the self that is characteristic of Krapp's work.

Blade Runner (1982)

🍅 84 %
Action Drama Sci-Fi R

Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young

🤖 Reason: The film's dystopian future and the character's existential crises align with the dark themes often found in Krapp's works.

Brazil (1985)

🍅 84 %
Drama Sci-Fi Thriller R

Jonathan Pryce, Kim Greist, Robert De Niro

🤖 Reason: Terry Gilliam's satirical portrayal of a bureaucratic, totalitarian future reflects the absurdity and despair that can be associated with Krapp's themes.

Synecdoche, New York (2008)

🍅 67 %
Drama R

Philip Seymour Hoffman, Samantha Morton, Michelle Williams

🤖 Reason: This film's deep dive into the protagonist's struggle with his own artistic creation and mortality echoes the existential themes present in Krapp's narrative style.

A Scanner Darkly (2006)

🍅 73 %
Animation Comedy Crime R

Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Robert Downey Jr.

🤖 Reason: The film's focus on identity, surveillance, and a dystopian society complements the often dystopian and identity-focused themes found in Krapp's works.